6 Week Training Plan – Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending

For this 6 Week Training Plan – Defending is our focus.

This is an example of how to use our Interactive Training Planner ( Free with our Training Plans & Drills )

We are going to cover 4 drills that work on different aspects of defending.

Select 4 drills that will work towards your end goal, in this case Defending

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

Our selection is 

  • Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker
  • Blocking Shots
  • 5v4 Murderball – Beat the Waves
  • Pressure Cover Balance

These 4 drills work on that practice, starting off getting the players focused and on task. The 4 drills will rotate over a 6 week period 

One of the cornerstones of successful training is a structured planning approach. Designing your sessions six weeks at a time allows you to build a coherent progression.

This facilitates a gradual increase in complexity, skill enhancement, and overall player development.

By outlining your objectives and themes for each week in advance, you can ensure a steady and logical advancement of skills and tactics.

By using our interactive Training planner, you can choose your discipline for next 6 weeks and select your drills.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker – Defensive Drill

Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker: This is a really good drill for young defenders to learn about how they can control a situation or attacker without actually having to make a tackle. 

This follows the first principle of defending… DELAY ( Click the video below )

By teaching the defender not to run straight at the attacker and to back peddle instead, it makes it harder for the forward to get passed, as now they have to do all the hard work. 

By also teaching them that positioning their body correctly can force the attacker somewhere they don’t want to go. 

This drill will teach them both those things.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker – How it works

The Attackers start on the halfway line. 

The Defenders start between halfway and the Penalty Area

Set up a row of ConesFlat Circles / Discs, on the edge of the area or before depending on where you want your “engage line” to be. 

On the whistle, the attacker sets off, ideally at pace but doesn’t have to be. 

The defender waits for the attacker to approach and then starts backing off toward the “engage line” forcing the attacker wide or onto their weaker foot. 

The defender is not allowed to engage in a tackle before the line, UNLESS the attacker kicks the ball into them. 

The Goalkeeper can be encouraged to help the defender by giving instructions. 

Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker – Scoring Points

Attackers: 1 Point for every GOAL Scored
Defenders: 1 Point for every SHOT Blocked or Tackle made
Goalkeepers: 1 Point for every SHOT Saved

Let each attacker have a couple of goes. Then add up the scores for that round. Then reverse it. 

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker – What they will Learn

The ultimate aim is to learn the value of positional sense. 

Defenders will learn how to effectively close down space, control where they want the attacker to be and not to commit too early.

The forwards will learn that they will have to use their weaker foot and be prepared to go both ways to keep the defenders guessing. 

Back Peddling & Controlling Attacker – Scaling it Up

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

Add a second defender and attacker into the mix. 

This will encourage the defenders and goalkeeper to communicate about who is picking up who and for the attackers it brings passing and crossing into the drill. 

The second defender will then have to track the other attackers run and get to any cross first to stop a goal.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot

Block the Shot is all about your defence working as a unit and closing ground down between attackers and the goal as quick as possible.

5 Attackers are split across 3 zones. Wingers have to stay in Red Zones, the other 3 players can move around the Yellow Zone.

Defenders are not allowed inside any of the zones and cannot drop any deeper than the penalty spot.

Goals can only be scored into the small goals from the Red Zones OR from a first time shot after a pass from the Red Zones.

Defenders need to work really hard to close down all shooting opportunities and get blocks on the shots. Communication is vital here so the unit isn’t split.

The Goalkeeper really needs to play a key role taking to his defenders and letting them know what is happening.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot – How it Works

Set up the Red & Yellow Zones just outside the penalty area as shown above.

Select 5 attackers, place 3 centrally and 1 in either Red Zone.

Place 3 defenders on the edge of the box. Defenders are allowed to move the full width of the zones, but cannot enter them.

Coach will be at the back of the Yellow zone with the balls.

As the Coach passes the ball to the attacking team, they will shout “1” or “2”.

If they shout “1” then the attackers can only score into the Main Goal, but they can score from any zones.

If they shout “2” then the attackers must try and score in the small goals. They can only do this from the Red Zone or from a first time shot after a pass from the Red Zone.

Each “Phase of Play” will last for 45 seconds. After 5 Phases of play, total up the scores and switch the players around

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot – Scoring Points

1.No Goal Scored in 45 Second Phase of PlayDefence score 1 point
2. Defenders block the shotDefence score 2 points
3. Goal scored in small GoalsAttack score 1 point
4Goal scored in big GoalAttack score 2 points

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot- Coaching Points

Tell the defenders to remain tight to each other, to move as one unit from left to right. Not so tight that too much ground needs to be covered but tight enough that gaps can be closed quickly.

The defenders need to work together constantly communicating to eliminate the threat.

Attackers need to move the ball fast. Pace in their play is their biggest ally. This 1st Time Pass & Move drill will really help them with that.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot – Scale Up / Down

If the attack is on top, there are two ways to help the defenders.

Firstly, add an additional defender. Secondly either allow 1 defender to enter the attack zone or place a CDM in there to help break down the play.

If the defenders are on top. All the wingers to come out of their zones.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Block the Shot – In Summary

This is such as good drill to get your defence on their toes. It will make them think about threats coming from all angles, it will make them talk and overall it will make them become a braver more solid unit.

All good teams need that. Goals win Games.. Clean sheets win titles.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: 5 v 4 Murderball – Beat the Wave

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: 5 v 4 Murderball – Beat the Wave

This is a fantastic drill for defenders and takes the previous drill to the next level. They are no longer protected by zones that attackers have to stay in.

They have to survive as many 3 minute waves as they can letting in the least amount of goals as possible.

The defenders are outnumbered 5 v 4 on all waves.

If the ball goes out of play at any time during the 3 minutes, the Coaches will return a new ball into play from one of the 3 points. One on either wing and one on

the centre spot.

As soon as the 3 minutes are up. The attacking teams leaves the pitch as quick as possible and the next wave begins immediately.

Coaches set a target of max number of goals allowed to be conceded over 6 waves.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: 5 v 4 Murderball – Beat the Wave – How it Works

Set up with 4 defenders on the edge of the area with the keeper in goal.

2 or 3 sets of 5 attackers line up on halfway line

1 Coach on either wing & 1 on centre cirle all with 3 or 4 spare footballs. One of the Coaches on the wing also act as Linesman

Coach sets Goal conceded target for 6 waves – 18 minutes total.

When whistle goes Wave 1 starts and attacking team try to score as many goals as possible. Defenders need to work together to repel attacks.

If the ball goes out of play on the left, one of the other 2 coaches on the pitch will throw a new ball into play causing the shape of the attack to shift.

If attackers get to the goal target before the end of the 18 minutes. Defenders do 30 pressups. If they don’t get to the goal target, all attackers do 60 press-ups.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover Balance

6 Week Training Plan - Defending

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover, Balance

This is a high intensity fast paced drill that continually switches from Top to Bottom to Left to Right.

3 Teams of 3 playing into 8 mini goals or 4 small goals ( 5v5 / 7v7 size )

Every time a goal is scored the game changes to move the other way as the new team enters.

If no goal is scored after a set time period ( 90 seconds / 2 minutes ) then the team with the most goal attempts stays on. 

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover, Balance – How it Works

Mark out a large pitch inside one half of the pitch size you play on. Each side needs to have 2 x mini goals or cones.

Blue teams starts off against Yellows playing up & down the pitch.

As soon as a goal is scored, the Red team enter play immediately with a new ball and the winning team switches to defending the goal from the left playing across the pitch.

The constant changing, and going from being on the attack and scoring to immediately defending requires organisation from within the team.

Communication once again is vital as the break occurs.

For the attacking team coming on, it’s a great chance to show awareness of the game situation and look for space during the transition and get straight in at goal.

If it looks like the Blue team are about to Score going up the pitch, the Red team could set themselves up at the bottom to break down the left side when play starts.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover, Balance – Scale it up

1: Shrink the pitch to make it more technical. The tighter space means players will have to play short sharp passes to create a chance
2: Add a minimum number of passes before a shot is allowed. Stops a flying counter attack, but encourages a more controlled approach
3: Add a fourth player to each team. More passing options, but less room so more and better movement required. 

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover, Balance – Coaching Points

Communication is key, as well as tactial and spacial awareness. 

Quick decisive attacks and speedy defensive responses needed.

6 Week Training Plan – Defending: Pressure, Cover, Balance – Summary

Not only can this be a very good technical drill that works on so many aspects of the players game, it can be a real lung buster too, especially if a team stays on for a while and is constantly switching. 

Much like Small Sided Games, controls can be added to make the game more interesting. 

6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Small Sided Games

Setting up and running Drills are obviously a very important part of developing your players and getting them to play the way you want them to play. However, to really enhance their development adding Small Sided Games ( SSG’s ) to the end of your sessions helps them to put into practise what they have just learned. 

Normal games do that, but the temptation to “forget” what they been taught and just get their head down and dribble takes over. 

By using Small Sided games, you can add conditions to the play. Conditions that adhere to the drills you have been doing and as such will enhance their development. 

For this 6 week Training Plan, we added 3 Small Sided Games. 

  • Red Light, Green Light
  • 4 v 4 Quarters
  • 5 v 5 Attackers v Defenders – Small Goals.

These 3 specific SSG’s have been selected because the follow the themes of passing and moving. Short sharp give and goes, getting into space and getting the ball back

All 3 of these Small Sided Games can be downloaded for FREE in our 2 Small Sided Games PDFs below.

6 Week Training Plan - Passing & Moving - Small Sided Games (SSG)6 Week Training Plan - Passing & Moving - Small Sided Games (SSG)
Small Sided Games (SSG) ISmall Sided Games (SSG) II

6 Week Training Plan – Defending

Putting on consistently good training sessions is a tough job for any coach, but Structuring them so the lessons your are teaching relate to one another is even tougher. 

Thats where the 6 week Training Planner comes into its own. 

We have 100’s of drills to choose from, and you can work on whatever area you wish to improve. The planner takes your 4 drills of choice and repeats them over a 6 week period. 

Its works.. its really really works. The repetition really helps the message stick, but with them not being the same EVERY week its keeps and element of freshness to the training sessions. 

Imagine just how detailed you could tailor your sessions to be with all these drills instantly available to you.  Find out more here

Want this 6 Week Plan in PDF ?

No problem, download if for FREE here : 6 Week Training Plan : Defending

Stunning Training Plans & Drills Packs

1v1 Battles - Team Scores or Knockout - Training Plans & Drills Bundle Offer

Don’t want the Bundle ? Check out the individual PDF’s and Hardcopies below

Each Pack contains over 100 pages and 50 Drills each. They contain brilliant information and when used correctly with the Free Interactive Training Planner they can really help speed up your teams improvements.

6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U5-U7 Pdf6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U7-U12 Training Plans & Drills6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U13-U16 Training Plans & Drills
U5 – U7 : 50 Games / Training SessionsU7 – U12 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 107 PagesU13 – U16 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 109 Pages
PDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download now
6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U5-U7 Hardcopy6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U7-U12 Hardcopy6 Week Training Plan - Defending: U13-U16 Hardcopy
Hardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowEach

All Packs come with the below FREE items. Get your FREE Small Sided Games PDF before you buy: Download here

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