6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving
For this 6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving is our focus.
This is an example of how to use our Interactive Training Planner ( Free with our Training Plans & Drills )
Select 4 drills that will work towards your end goal, in this case Shooting & Finishing

Our selection is
- Double Rondo – Head 2 Head
- Pass, Follow, 1-2 & Finish
- Pass & Move Squares
- Combinational Passing
These 4 drills work on that practice, starting off getting the players focused and on task. The 4 drills will rotate over a 6 week period
One of the cornerstones of successful training is a structured planning approach. Designing your sessions six weeks at a time allows you to build a coherent progression.
This facilitates a gradual increase in complexity, skill enhancement, and overall player development.
By outlining your objectives and themes for each week in advance, you can ensure a steady and logical advancement of skills and tactics.
By using our interactive Training planner, you can choose your discipline for next 6 weeks and select your drills.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Double Rondo – Head 2 Head

This is a brilliant drill. Everyone loves a Rondo but this takes it to a new level.
Because you are putting your players straight into a competitive environment and pitching them against each other. It gets them focused straight away.
Split the teams equally, use some Coaches if you need to up the numbers.
Number the players in each team.
Both Teams start passing the ball around their circle, with no one in the middle.
Coach will shout out a number.
That player will break into the opposite Rondo and try and win the ball.
First player to win the ball gets the point for their team.
First team to 10 points.
Losing team does a lap of the pitch or Pressups
This is a great way to start off the training sessions as players are engaged straight away. It helps the focus on awareness ( where the runner is coming from & where the gap is in their circle), touch, pass quality, stance ( on their toes, ready to use either foot ), movement, communication and positioning.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Double Rondo – Head 2 Head – Video
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Pass, Follow, 1-2 & Finish

Pass Follow, 1-2 & Finish is a fluent drill that will keep the whole team engaged, moving and on their toes.
Once your players get the hang of this it will really flow well and all the players will be constantly on the move and the keeper getting tested. Thats when it gets really fun and you can start playing with it and scaling it up to really test them.
The quality of the passes is key in this one, both in the long pass and the 1-2.
Ensure that the players keep their eyes on the ball to enable the drill to flow.
The Focus is a strong first pass, followed by a quick 1-2 around the pole or cone. Ensure the receiver comes to meet the ball, plays the pass back and then moves back around the cone as if it were a defender and pick the ball up the other side.
Then as the 2nd player repeats the action, the first player spins and is ready to receive.
Repeat this for the 4 Poles / cones.
On the last Pole / Cone, the player should be having one touch to set up the shot, then shooting ( you can set a line of cones up that there touch cannot go beyond, or not get the keeper to come off their line to save), before collecting the ball and returning to the back of the queue.
Pass Follow, 1-2 & Finish – Scale it Up
Theres numerous ways this can be changed.
The distance between the Poles / Cones can be altered each way.
Further distance increases the need for an accurate Pass.
Shorter distance intensifies the pace.
Switching the cones round so the players are using their left foot for the passes and finish.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Pass, Follow, 1-2 & Finish – Video
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Pass & Move Squares

Pass & Move Squares is a fantastic drill to get your players thinking fast and moving into space.
It involves the whole squad.
It keeps all players switched on, even if they don’t have the ball as they have to be set ready to receive the pass and move the ball quickly
Focus on a good touch and being on their toes to move around the grid in order to receive and play a pass.
Communication is vital between the players in order to succeed.
Pass & Move Squares – How it Works.
Split your squad into 4 teams.
Mark out 4 equally sized boxes.
Place 3 teams in 3 of the 4 boxes and the 4th team in the middle.
The team in the middle are the defenders
Whichever team starts with the ball, the other 2 teams must move to be adjacent.
When the drill starts the ball will be played into one of the teams is a square.
A defender from the centre will carry a bib, and follow the ball to try and win it back.
The team with the ball must then complete a set number of passes (4, 5 or 6 ) before being allowed to move the ball on to an adjacent square ( No Diagonal Passes allowed )
Once the pass is played ( for example – Pass from Box 3 to Box 1 – the team in Box 4 must move to Box 2 in order to be able to receive a pass.
The Defender will return to the middle and a different defender will close down the new group.
If a team doesn’t complete the set number of passes, they switch out and become the defenders.
Pass & Move Squares – Scale it Up
The following are great ways to scale this drill up
1. | Increase the number of passes required to allow the pass to the next box. |
2. | Increase the distance between the boxes so a long pass is needed. |
3. | Decrease the size of the boxes so sharper passing is required. |
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Pass & Move Squares – Video
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Combinational Pass & Move

Combinational Pass & Move
This Combinational Pass & Move drill will really test your players.
It involves a long drilled pass, good control, a crisp low pass finished off with a quick 1-2 and a dribble home.
The test comes in form of accuracy of passing, control and body shape & positioning.
The Combinational Pass & Move drills is mirrored and both run at the same time. Because of this, the way each pass is played on each side will differ and test your players further.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Combinational Pass & Move – How it Works
Split your team into 2. Place 1 player on cones 2, 3 & 4. The rest line up behind cones 1.
First Player on Cone 1 plays a long driven pass to the Player on Cone 2.
Player on Cone 2 controls the ball and moves round the back of the cone, before player a crisp low pass to the feet of the player in position 4.
Player in position 4 moves to meet the ball, turns towards Player in position 3 and plays a quick 1-2 spinning in behind the cone to receive the return and dribbles back to the opposite start point their team started at.
Both Teams should be playing at the same time. Rotating through the positions and from either side.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Combinational Pass & Move – Player movements after they pass

6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving – Small Sided Games
Setting up and running Drills are obviously a very important part of developing your players and getting them to play the way you want them to play. However, to really enhance their development adding Small Sided Games ( SSG’s ) to the end of your sessions helps them to put into practise what they have just learned.
Normal games do that, but the temptation to “forget” what they been taught and just get their head down and dribble takes over.
By using Small Sided games, you can add conditions to the play. Conditions that adhere to the drills you have been doing and as such will enhance their development.
For this 6 week Training Plan, we added 3 Small Sided Games.
- 3 Touch – Can only score from a pass into the area
- Playing through Centre Mid
- 4 Goals – 6 Passes to shoot
These 3 specific SSG’s have been selected because the follow the themes of passing and moving. Short sharp give and goes, getting into space and getting the ball back
All 3 of these Small Sided Games can be downloaded for FREE in our 2 Small Sided Games PDFs below.
6 Week Training Plan – Passing & Moving
Putting on consistently good training sessions is a tough job for any coach, but Structuring them so the lessons your are teaching relate to one another is even tougher.
Thats where the 6 week Training Planner comes into its own.
We have 100’s of drills to choose from, and you can work on whatever area you wish to improve. The planner takes your 4 drills of choice and repeats them over a 6 week period.
Its works.. its really really works. The repetition really helps the message stick, but with them not being the same EVERY week its keeps and element of freshness to the training sessions.
Imagine just how detailed you could tailor your sessions to be with all these drills instantly available to you. Find out more here
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