6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing

6 Week Training Plan - Shooting & Finishing

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing

For this 6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing is our focus.

This is an example of how to use our Interactive Training Planner ( Free with our Training Plans & Drills )

Select 4 drills that will work towards your end goal, in this case Shooting & Finishing

6 Week Training Plan - Shooting & Finishing - GFO

Our selection is 

  • One Touch Control & Finish
  • First Time Finishing
  • 1v1 Shooting Accuracy
  • 3 Part Finishing Drill

These 4 drills work on that practice, starting off at an easy level and build the skills needed to provide the players confidence to do it during games. The 4 drills will rotate over a 6 week period 

One of the cornerstones of successful training is a structured planning approach. Designing your sessions six weeks at a time allows you to build a coherent progression.

This facilitates a gradual increase in complexity, skill enhancement, and overall player development.

By outlining your objectives and themes for each week in advance, you can ensure a steady and logical advancement of skills and tactics.

By using our interactive Training planner, you can choose your discipline for next 6 weeks and select your drills.

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing : One Touch Control & Finish

One Touch Finish

The One touch Control & Finish skill is such a good tool for a player to have in his locker no matter the age.

Its relatively simple to teach and gives the player so much confidence on the pitch when they’ve mastered it.

For this Drill, both the Forward and the Goalkeeper start on the goal line.

Line the ConesFlat Circles / Discs, as shown above.

On the whistle, both players run.

The Goalkeeper runs to the top of his cones, then back peddles into goal to get in position for the shot. This improves footwork and concentration.

The Forward runs to the end of his cones, where he receives a pass from the coach.

The player has one touch to move the ball round the corner and set up the shot.

If the touch is heavy, the keeper is to come out and narrow the angle or collect the ball before the striker can get there.

The kids will love this one, its fast paced, challenging and fun.

Everyone loves a One touch Control & Finish and they are no different, it will give them a really good buzz.

Depending on the age group, this will take them a few weeks to Master…. then you can Scale it up

One Touch Control & Finish v Retreating Keeper with Tracking Defender.

By adding a tracking defender into the mix, it massively increase the pressure on the forward making a good touch.

They need to be positioning the ball so their body is between the ball and on rushing defender so they can get a clean shot away.

This really increases the challenge and gives it a real match feel to it.

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing : First Time Finish

First time finishing is a great skill to master, its not about whacking the ball as hard as you can, its about timing the run, body position and keeping an eye on the ball.

This drill takes care of all that and brings bag loads of fun to the table as well.

Its a really quick drill and the kids love the challenge.

Set them an overall goal target. Usually just over 2 goals each to start with.

If they beat it. Coaches and Keeper do a lap.

If they don’t, they all do a lap.

Set up your 4 position with 2 balls on each position.

Put 2 poles in about 5 yards or so outside the penalty area.

There are two ways you can work the crossing, depending on age / ability of the players.

  1. Use two Coaches, one works positions 1 & 3, the other works 2 & 4
  2. Place a player on each cone

The passes should be aimed around the penalty spot. If they are too close, the Keeper can come and claim.

First Time Finishing – How it works

Players line up behind Pole 1.

They start their run towards the penalty spot, and call for the cross from position 1 as they do.

Once they’ve had shot 1 they go round the OUTSIDE of Pole 2 and circle back in calling from the cross from position 2.

After shot 2, they go round the outside of Pole 1 and circle back inside for the pull back cross from position 3. and so on

Encourage them to use both feet to shoot if they can.

Encourage them to keep their eye on the ball and concentrate on making contact.

Do this one for a few weeks running and you’ll be amazed just how quick their technique improves.

Get ready to do some laps though

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing : 1v1 Shooting Accuracy

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing : 1v1 Shooting Accuracy – Find the Corners

Shooting Accuracy is so important in any level of football.

There are loads of shooting / finishing drills, this one in particular works on accuracy and finding the corners.

Its split into 2 sections

The first section is shooting into and empty goal, the catch is you have to score in the gap between the post and cone / pole.

The second section is shooting against the keeper to claim a point.

Shooting Accuracy – Find the Corners – How it Works

The idea of the game is to get into section 2 and shoot against the keeper, every time you score against the keeper you get 1 point. If you score you keep going until you miss.

Highest score at the end wins.

Players all start in section 1.

They will receive a firm pass from a Coach or Player.

The are allowed 1 touch to control and 1 touch to shoot and they must shoot between the Goalpost and the Cones to progress to the second section.

Players are not allowed to get really close to the goal and they are not allowed to shoot with a slow pea roller

If they don’t “Find the Corners” they go to the back of the queue.

If they progress to the second section then the same control rules apply. 1 touch control, 1 touch to shoot.

The Keeper IS allowed to come out and claim any heavy touches.

As soon as they miss against the keeper the move to the back of the queue in Section 1 again and repeat.

Shooting Accuracy – Find the Corners – Coaching Points


Make sure control is good, not too soft as they will have no run up, not too hard so they go chasing.

Shooting, picking their spot and keeping the eye on the ball.

Coaches can mix it up by calling the corner they want them to shoot at as they pass to them.

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing : 3 Part Finishing Drill

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing 3 Part Finishing Drill – Shoot, 1-2, Lay out wide, Attack the Box

3 Part Finishing Drill – This drill is 3 explosive drills combined into one.

It requires quick thinking and concentration from the Blue Players in section 1, as they are the key to the whole drill and how the react in-between sections is what keeps the Drill moving.

3 Part Finishing Drill – Section 1

Blue Players is section 1 start with the ball and drill towards the cones, when they get there, they shift the ball to the right and shoot first time.

Ideally all of this should be 3 touches max.

It’s important the first part is done with pace.

3 Part Finishing Drill – Section 2

As soon as Blue Player has their shot, they check and turn to face the Yellow player in section 2.

The Yellow player passes the Blue player the ball and they return it first time.

Yellow Player then has a first time shot before the ball crosses the designated line ( in this example the edge of the area but it can be moved closer to goal )

3 Part Finishing Drill – Section 3

The Blue player now moves over into section 3 and receives another pass, this time from the Red player.

Blue Player plays another 1-2 and send Red player down the line.

Yellow player attacks the far post.

Blue player attacks the near post.

Red player tries to pick out either of them rather than just firing in a cross.

After the 3 parts are complete, each player moves onto the next section.

3 Part Finishing Drill – Goalkeeping Bonus

As an additional challenge for the goalkeeper, as well as attempting to keep the shots out and recover quickly.

For every cross that they call for and catch, all the players accumulate 5 press-ups at the end of the session.

For every cross they call for but drop.. the Keeper accumulates 5 press-ups

3 Part Finishing Drill – What to Expect

This is quite a complex drill and at first expect Blue player to get confused inbetween sections.

You may need to guide them through it and give them prompts, but when they all get it and it clicks this is a fantastic fast paced high intensity drill that the players will love.

Focus on the quality of the passes to start with, rather than the shots.

The passes are what keeps the whole drill moving.

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing – Small Sided Games

You will notice from the main image that we have included Small Sided Games at the end of each of the sessions that also focus on different types of finishing.

These Small Sided games give players a match type environment to perfect the skills they have just learned.

6 Week Training Plan – Shooting & Finishing – Review

There are so many different Finishing Drills that you could choose from if you wish to change the types of drills.

All of the one drills used in this example, plus all of the others listed at the top are available below.

Don’t want the Bundle ? Check out the individual PDF’s and Hardcopies below

Training Plans & Drills Packs

U5 – U7 : 50 Games / Training SessionsU7 – U12 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 107 PagesU13 – U16 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 109 Pages
PDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download now
Hardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order Now

All Packs come with the below FREE items. Get your FREE Small Sided Games PDF before you buy: Download here

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