The triangle is the key shape in football for several strategic reasons:
1. Two Passing Options at all times:
In a triangular formation, each player typically has at least two immediate passing options.
This constant availability of options is crucial for maintaining possession under pressure.
When a player with the ball is faced with an opponent, they can quickly choose between two teammates to pass to, making it harder for the opposing team to predict and intercept the ball, they always have the option of the bounce pass where they play it straight back to the player who gave them the ball, if that player is free. This move can buy the original passer a bit of time and space to look for a better pass and is a very effective move.
2. Third Man Combinations:
The concept of the third man combination is integral to triangular formations.
This involves three players working together, where the first player passes to the second, who immediately redirects the ball to the third player. The third player is often the one making an off-the-ball movement to create space or to receive the ball in a more advantageous position.
These combinations can rapidly break through defensive lines and create scoring opportunities.
One Third Man combination can then lead straight into another, as various triangles around the pitch can be interchanged.
Quite often the CM is the key component in bringing together these triangles. A quick switch by opening the body out can lead to a dynamic change in play and really open the pitch up
3. Diagonal Options:
Triangles naturally create diagonal passing options, which are more effective in splitting opposition defenses compared to linear passes.
Diagonal passes change the point of attack quickly and can open up spaces in tightly packed defensive units. These passes are harder to defend against as they force defenders to adjust their positions and orientation on the field rapidly.
If these passes are played on the move rather than players being relatively static, the third man can exploit the space in behind watching defenders.
4. Spatial Control & Movement:
Triangles help in controlling space on the field. The positioning of players in a triangular setup encourages constant movement and rotation, making it difficult for opponents to mark players.
The fluidity of movement that comes with triangular formations also helps in creating and exploiting spaces in the opposition’s defense.
Switching from one triangle to another opens up more space in other areas of the pitch. A quick from one wing to the other can you put you in on goal if timed right.
5. Defensive Stability:
On the defensive side, triangles help in organizing pressing and covering.
When one player presses the ball carrier, the other two can position themselves to cover passing lanes or support their teammate.
This setup makes it easier to regain possession and transition quickly into attack.
Pressing from the top with all players covered makes it very hard for the opposition to get out and increase the opportunity to turn the ball over high up the pitch and create opportunities.
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Importance of the Triangle – How to use Triangles in Training
Getting your players to practise working together in triangles is a great way to build partnerships and understandings.
These 2 drills are a great way to start.
Importance of the Triangle – Working in Triangles – Switching Out
“Working in Triangles” is all about supporting the player on the ball and giving them options to pass, as the player and / or the ball move, the triangle moves with it.
Sometimes it will be the same players involved, sometimes the players involved will change as the phase of play develops across the pitch.
You can access this drill here
Importance of the Triangle – Working in Triangles 2 – Creating the Angles
Following on from “Working in Triangles – Switching Out” which is working in Static Triangles and moving between them. This drill changes the tact and is split into 2 parts.
This one is about creating fluid triangles, so every time a pass is played another triangle is available due to player movement.
You can access this drill here
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