Block the Shot

Block the Shot

Block the Shot - Defending

Block the Shot

Block the Shot is all about your defence working as a unit and closing ground down between attackers and the goal as quick as possible.

5 Attackers are split across 3 zones. Wingers have to stay in Red Zones, the other 3 players can move around the Yellow Zone.

Defenders are not allowed inside any of the zones and cannot drop any deeper than the penalty spot.

Goals can only be scored into the small goals from the Red Zones OR from a first time shot after a pass from the Red Zones.

Defenders need to work really hard to close down all shooting opportunities and get blocks on the shots. Communication is vital here so the unit isn’t split.

The Goalkeeper really needs to play a key role taking to his defenders and letting them know what is happening.

Block the Shot – How it Works

Set up the Red & Yellow Zones just outside the penalty area as shown above.

Select 5 attackers, place 3 centrally and 1 in either Red Zone.

Place 3 defenders on the edge of the box. Defenders are allowed to move the full width of the zones, but cannot enter them.

Coach will be at the back of the Yellow zone with the balls.

As the Coach passes the ball to the attacking team, they will shout “1” or “2”.

If they shout “1” then the attackers can only score into the Main Goal, but they can score from any zones.

If they shout “2” then the attackers must try and score in the small goals. They can only do this from the Red Zone or from a first time shot after a pass from the Red Zone.

Each “Phase of Play” will last for 45 seconds. After 5 Phases of play, total up the scores and switch the players around

Block the Shot – Scoring Points

1.No Goal Scored in 45 Second Phase of PlayDefence score 1 point
2. Defenders block the shotDefence score 2 points
3. Goal scored in small GoalsAttack score 1 point
4Goal scored in big GoalAttack score 2 points

Block the Shot – Coaching Points

Tell the defenders to remain tight to each other, to move as one unit from left to right. Not so tight that too much ground needs to be covered but tight enough that gaps can be closed quickly.

The defenders need to work together constantly communicating to eliminate the threat.

Attackers need to move the ball fast. Pace in their play is their biggest ally. This 1st Time Pass & Move drill will really help them with that.

Block the Shot – Scale Up / Down

If the attack is on top, there are two ways to help the defenders.

Firstly, add an additional defender. Secondly either allow 1 defender to enter the attack zone or place a CDM in there to help break down the play.

If the defenders are on top. All the wingers to come out of their zones.

Block the Shot – In Summary

This is such as good drill to get your defence on their toes. It will make them think about threats coming from all angles, it will make them talk and overall it will make them become a braver more solid unit.

All good teams need that. Goals win Games.. Clean sheets win titles.

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