Heads Up Pass & Move

Heads Up Pass & Move

Heads Up Pass & Move

Heads Up Pass & Move Drill

This is an upgrade on a simple Pass & Follow drill and potentially goes against what the kids have always been taught ( eye on the ball )

Play round the cones, so ensure each player gives a yard of space.

The first part is to get the kids heads up after they’ve controlled, and to play the pass where they are looking so they can see what is happening around them.

The second part is about body shape and how the receive the ball in order to move it on.

There are 2 different methods in this drill.

Back Foot & Front Foot.

Players at Cones 2 & 4 will let the ball run infront of them and control with the back foot. In this case, left foot (if you are going clockwise) and then play the head up pass with the right foot as the step into it before following the ball on to the next cone.

Players at Cones 1 & 3 will receive the ball with their front foot, in this case, right foot, play it across their body and play a head up left foot pass to cone 4.

Heads Up Pass & Move Drill – How it Works

Start off slowly at first, the heads up pass can be confusing.

Get the players use to the body positions and how they all work, after a few goes it will start to flow and the pace will pick up.

Work in groups of 5 and above.

Place 1 player on each cone and the extra ones queuing at cone 1

After each pass, players should follow their pass.

Whilst waiting, players should be on their toes and ready to receive the next pass.

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1v1 Battles - Pass then Defend

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