Long Passing Drills

Long Passing Drills

Long Passing

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Long Passing is a great technique to learn. It is not a hoof down field, it is a measured pass over distance designed to transition the play further up the field.

These first two drills look to teach that.

There are 4 different types of Long Passing that will be used during these sessions over a period of weeks.

Focus on them one week at a time.

1.The Lofted Pass
2.The Driven Pass
3.The Chipped Pass
4.The Curled Pass

Long Passing Techniques

Set up with 2 zones on the opposite sides of the pitch, but with room to take the zones backwards as the players progress.

3 players in each zone, numbered 1-3 taking it in turns to play the selected pass to the other group.

Ball is played from a deadball position as per ( A to B ) in the image

Player 1 (A) passes to Player 1 (B) – Player 1 (B) then returns pass to Player 2 (A) and so on.

The aim is for the ball to arrive in the opposite zone without bouncing, unless you are playing a driven pass on the ground.

Get the players to focus on Body Shape, angle of approach, foot shape and weight of pass.

This can be scaled up from passing from a deadball by bringing in some control and passing and playing a moving ball as per ( C to D )

Player 1 (C) passes to Player 1 (D) who controls and passes to Player 2 (D) who then sets up Player 3 (D) to return the Pass to Player 1 (C) and so on.

Long Passing – What to Expect

Don’t make the gaps too wide to start with as this may dishearten the players.

Also, at first the players may try to kick the ball too hard, rather than focusing on technique. Make sure that the correct technique is taught beforehand.

Encourage and support the players to ensure they really focus on the ball as the pass and are not raising their heads.

Award each team 1 point for every pass that lands inside the target zone.

Want more Drills ?

Looking for more Passing Drills ?

Check these out.

1.Passing & Control Reactions
2.Pass Move Dribble Shoot
3.10 Brilliant Passing Drills that your Kids will Love
4.Heads Up Pass & Move
5.Passing & Dribbling Awareness

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