The “No Bounce Challenge” is a great game for the kids to play during training and also a great way to work on their kicking technique
The Idea of the game is for the players to take a shot at Goal from varying distances.
To go through to the next round and the next cone back, they have to score a goal and the ball has to hit the back of the net without bouncing.
If they score, but the ball bounces behind the line BEFORE hitting the net, then it does not count.
No Bounce Challenge – How it Works
Split your squad into 2 teams.
This is both a Team challenge and an Individual one.
Mark out 3 rows of Cones, as per image above.
First Cone should be about 6 yards out, with each following cone, another 3 yards behind that. ( Increase the distance for older age groups )
You can have has many rounds / cones as you like.
Round 1. | 6 Yards Out | 1 Point |
Round 2. | 9 Yards Out | 2 Points |
Round 3. | 12 Yards Out | 3 Points |
Round 4. | 15 Yards Out | 4 Points |
Round 5. | 18 Yards Out | 5 Points |
Round 6. | 21 Yards Out | 6 Points |
Round 7. | 24 Yards Out | 7 Points |
Ideally you should have a line up of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and maybe 24 for the older.
1 Player from each side start off the game, taking it in turns to take their shot at each Round.
If they Score without the ball bouncing, they progress to the next Round and move back a cone.
If the Ball bounces before hitting the back of the Net, then they are out and stand alongside the cone that represents that round so the score can be kept.
The Player that scores from the furthest distance wins the individual game. The Team with the most overall points wins the Team Game
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What to work on
Technique is the primary challenge.
Encourage the players not to take tentative steps as the approach the ball, but big steps with speed to help generate power and elevation.
The secondary challenge is mental.
Rounds 1 – 3 will be relatively easy. The shot they play on Round 3 will sometimes be the good enough to get them through round 5, but when they line up at the 4th cone, the distance can challenge them mentally and make the players change there approach, or be too keen to look up as they are kicking.
Its a great game and they will have loads of fun.
Definitely one you can repeat and they can challenge themselves to beat there previous score.
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