Pass & Move Circles

Pass & Move Circles

Pass & Move Circles

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Pass & Move Circles

Pass & Move Circles is a really good fluid drill that ensures all the players have to be engaged and switched on.

With numerous balls in play, a pass could be coming from any direction.

Players on the outside need to be ready to receive and play a first time pass straight back to the same player.

Players in the middle have to be thinking ahead about their next move, but also being aware of what is going on around them with the other players in the middle.

It will encourage communication, scanning and awareness as well as good quality passes.

Pass & Move Circles – How it works

Set up a large circle.

Place 3/4 of your players around the outside

Place the other 1/4 inside the circle with a ball.

Each player will pass the ball to another player on the outside of the circle.

They will then return the ball first time back to the passer.

Once they receive the ball back they must turn to pass to another player on the outside, but they CANNOT pass to either of the neighbours of the player they just passed too.

If they do.. 10 Press-ups for everybody.

If the players in the circle both pass to the same player.. 10 Press-ups for everybody.

If the players on the outside don’t play a first time pass back.. 10 Press-ups for everybody.

If a pass misses its intended target.. 10 Press-ups for everybody.

Basically for every mistake made.. 10 Press-ups for everybody.

This will encourage the players inside the circle to be constantly scanning to see where the other players are.

It will encourage communication from the players on the outside and for them to also be sharp and switched on.

At the start, the number of press-ups done maybe quite high, but they will soon get the hang of what’s going on and this will become a great drill that will really help your team develop on many levels.

Want more Drills ?

Looking for more Passing Drills ?

Check these out.

1.Double Rondo – Head to Head
2.Pass & Control Reactions
3.Long Passing Drills
4.Pass, Follow, 1-2 & Finish
5.Passing & Dribbling Awareness
6.Pass & Move Squares

Training Plans & Drills Packs

U5 – U7 : 50 Games / Training SessionsU7 – U12 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 107 PagesU13 – U16
PDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download NowComing Soon – 1st April
Hardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order Now

All Packs come with the below FREE items. Get your FREE Small Sided Games PDF before you buy: Download here

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