Pass Move Dribble Shoot is a drill that is designed to encourage the players to pass to move through the sections before getting a shot away.
Its also designed to stop the defenders rushing in and making an easy decision for the forward.
What it also does, is make the forward think about what they are doing to do.
If playing a quick 1-2 with either winger is the desired effect, but if the defender moves to block the pass to one side, encourage the forward to change their mind and either dribble the other way or play the pass to the other winger.
How it Works :Pass Move Dribble Shoot
Mark out 2 Zones to start with and place a defender at the back of each zone.
A defender can’t leave their zone.
Wingers are on either side and can move the full length between the 2 zones, but if the ball is played to them, they are allowed a maximum of the 3 touches and can’t travel with the ball.
The wingers CAN pass to each other whilst the forward moves into space.
There is no limit on the amount of times a pass can be played to either winger if the wish to keep ball and move the defender around.
Shooting & Blocking Drill – Scoring Points
Attackers: | 1 Point for every GOAL Scored & 1 point for every successful PASS |
Defenders: | 1 Point for every ATTACK repelled |
Goalkeepers: | 1 Point for every SHOT Saved |
Add up Attackers and Defenders scores… then switch them round and let them try and beat them.
What they will Learn
This really is a great drill for all 3 elements.
Goalkeepers have to be constantly on their toes and be ready to come out and close the angle or intercept a through ball.
Defenders will learn how to effectively close down space to stop the pass or dribble,, and not to commit too early.
Attackers will learn to play with their heads up and think about whats going on infront of them.
Overall, Shooting & Blocking is a really good workout for everyone and a drill you can use over and over again
Scale it Up
Players finding this too easy to get through ?
Expand the size of the zones and add in an additional defender
Add another zone on the end so three zones come into play
What to do Next after Pass Move Dribble Shoot?
Having a good range of passing drills, whether it be basic passing routines, or Match Scenario passing are a great way for your players to develop
Check out these other Passing Drills we have
- 10 Brilliant Passing Drills your kids will Love
- Passing & Dribbling Awareness
- Heads Up Pass and Move
- Pass Follow, 1-2 & Finish
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