Passing & Control are two vital elements that must be practised during every training session.
This drill really focuses on that, but also draws in 2 other vital elements that are sometimes over looked.
Reactions & Communication.
Five players are involved in this drill, 4 on the outside all with a ball, 1 in the control square without the ball.
The player in the middle has to receives passes, controlling inside the box and return the ball to the player who passed, within the gated area.
The player will the receive a call from one of the other 3 players, who will then pass immediately.
Player 1 must react quickly, control the ball within the square and pass back.
Players on the outside will communicate with each other as to who is passing next so they don’t all pass at the same time.
Keep Player 1 guessing, the more Random the order, the better.
Passing & Control – How it Works.
The idea of this drill, is each player has 1 minute inside the control square.
Control square is a 3 yard square. Mark this out with Cones, Flat Circles / Discs, so it doesn’t impact the pass.
The 4 gates are 6 yards back from the control square on each side.
The player in the Control square earns a point for every time they successfully control the pass within the control square AND return it through the gate.
After the minute is up, swap the players around.
To Stop sabbotage on the outer players behalf, if they play a bad pass to the player in the control zone, they lose a point off their tally.
Scale it Up
This can be scaled up in 4 ways, depending on how the players are progressing.
1. | Increase the distance between the control square and the gates, meaning a longer pass is required. |
2. | Decrease the size of the control square to sharpen the players touch. |
3 | Decrease the size of the gate to put more focus / emphasis on the quality of the pass |
4. | Increase the distance between the players on the outside and the gates, to put pressure on them to make a better pass. |
Passing & Control – What to expect.
This is a drill that be done often as part of your training plan, keep track of the changes you make and watch as they improve.
The nature of the drill will ensure all players are ready and on their toes.
The scores and the pace might be quite low and slow to start off with as they are getting used to it, as soon as you see the numbers jump, start to scale it up.
It will teach two types of communication.
1. Verbal | The communication between the player passing and the player in the control box so they know where to react too. |
2. Hand Signals | The comunciation between the other 3 players as to who is going next, so they aren’t alerting the control player ahead of time. |
This is fun & fast paced drill that the players will really enjoy. Its a great one to start a session off with as it gets them switched on and sharp.
Want more Drills ?
Looking for more Passing Drills ?
Check these out.
1. | Double Rondo – Head to Head |
2. | Pass & Control Reactions |
3. | Long Passing Drills |
4. | Pass, Follow, 1-2 & Finish |
5. | Passing & Dribbling Awareness |
6. | Pass & Move Squares |
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