Passing & Dribbling Awareness

Passing & Dribbling Awareness

Passing & Dribbling Awareness

Passing & Dribbling Awareness Drill

Passing & Dribbling is KEY.

This one looks like absolutely Carnage, but it’s supposed too.

This drill is all about Players getting their heads up whilst on the ball or whilst about to play a Pass to a teammate.

Far too often players will run into blind alleys because its just head down and run and they have no idea what is going on around them.

This drill will help with that.

How it Works

Players 1, 2, and 3 & 4 stand opposite each other on the long edge of the Penalty Area. They have to pass the ball back and forth without hitting another player.

The other players are to dribble from one side of the penalty area to the other.

This is absolute Free style.

They can do tricks, they can sprint, they can go very slowly, whatever they want.

The more varied the better as it puts a little more pressure on the Passers.

All the have to do, is have their heads up to make sure they don’t bang into each other, or get hit by a passing ball.

Once they have the hang of it..;

Passing & Dribbling – Scale it Up

Passing & Dribbling Awareness

MORE CARNAGE I hear you say ?

Absolutely. Drop some ConesFlat Circles / Discs,  inside the Penalty area.

Dribblers now have to bend their runs around the cones instead of just going in a straight line.

Passers now have to pass diagonally then control and dribble to the other cone.

To make it even more interesting.. Players 2 & 4 have to pass Left footed, whilst 1 & 3 pass right footed.

After a while, switch over and pass the other way.

There is A LOT going on here, but it is a really good drill that provides plenty of skill points and loads of fun.

Training Plans & Drills Packs

U5 – U7 : 50 Games / Training SessionsU7 – U12 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 107 PagesU13 – U16 : 50 Training Plans & Drills – 109 Pages
PDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download NowPDF: £7.00 – Download now
Hardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order NowHardcopy: £34.99 – Order Now

All Packs come with the below FREE items. Get your FREE Small Sided Games PDF before you buy: Download here

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