Playing Down the Channels is such an important move for your players to learn for many reasons.
Firstly, its a move that isn’t expected and secondly it opens up the penalty area for the midfielders to attack.
Whenever the ball goes wide to a winger, most expect the winger to make a run down the line and try to put a cross in.
This is great, but it does mean that the defender(s) are set and ready to deal with.
By teaching the Centre Forward to run the channels, this will give the defenders a problem.
Do they stay in position, allowing the Centre Forward to pick the ball up unchallenged, but protecting the penalty area
or do they go with the man, potentially leaving a gap.
Chances are it will be the latter, and therefore opening up space in the box for midfielders to attack.
The forward then has to choose the option, hold up the ball and release back to the first runner, or try and cross for the other midfielders
Playing Down the Channels – How it Works
Play starts with either of players (1) or (3).
They will play the ball into the channel for the Centre Forward (4) to come across too.
When the CF gets to the ball, they can either hold the ball up and release back into the path of the player who passed the ball (1 – in this case)
Or Turn and try and put a cross into the box for the on running midfielders (2) & (3).
They will have defenders tracking them at all times, so the timing of their run is vitally important.
It doesn’t want to be too soon, as they would arrive in the box early and be a static target to hit.
It doesn’t want to be too late, as the cross would flash across the box and no one would be there.
Not only do the runners have to time their runs, but they will need to bend them and change direction to try and lose the tracking defenders.
Then its down to the finish.
Playing Down the Channels – What to Expect
At first, expect the defenders to win a lot of the tackles or block the crosses, the forward making the run will need to learn to have a look up and assess the options before making a decision.
Don’t let them get downhearted.
Get the players talking to each other, get the Forward to use their body to shield the ball ( See Holding up Play )
After a while, they will get used to it, and you will begin to see some great moves come out of this.
Its a great move for a team to be able to play, whatever age group.
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