Warm Up: 1-2 Round the Cones
Warm Up 1-2 Round the Cones is a really simple but fast paced drill that keeps your players moving and on their toes.
It requires concentration, a good touch and pass and plenty of movement.
Ideally each play should only need 3 or 4 touches max
1st touch is to lay off the initial pass first time
2nd / 3rd & 4th touch are controlling the 2nd pass and making the third pass.
After a few goes this should really flow with just the 3 touches max
Warm Up: 1-2 Round the Cones – How it Works
Lay out 4 cones as above.
Split your team into groups of 3 players.
Players 1 & 3 start off on one side, Player 2 on the other.
Player 1 passes the ball down the right hand side of the cones to Player 2 and follows their pass.
Player 2 meets the ball and lays it back to Player 1 first time, then moves backwards around the last cone.
Player 1 makes a pass through the gate for Player 2 to collect.
Player 2 then passes the ball to Player 3 and the loop repeats.
The Focus here is making sure the quality of the passes and layoffs are spot on.
If they are not then the drill can quickly go wrong.
If a pass goes astray then all 3 players in that group do 5 press-ups.
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